Unveiling the Secrets What Buried Near Your Home Can Sabotage Your Feng Shui

In the ancient art of Feng Shui, the placement and orientation of objects around a home are believed to greatly influence its energy flow and the well-being of its inhabitants. While the principles of Feng Shui can seem mysterious and esoteric, understanding the dos and don'ts of what to bury near your home can help you maintain a harmonious and auspicious environment. Here's an intriguing look into the forbidden buried treasures that can sabotage your Feng Shui!

1. Human Ashes and Cremation Remains

In Feng Shui, the presence of human ashes or cremation remains near a home is considered extremely unlucky. The energy of the deceased is thought to linger and can disrupt the positive flow of Qi, the vital life force. To avoid negative vibes, it's best to keep these remains in a designated area away from the living space.

2. Old Electronics and Appliances

Electronic devices that have been decommissioned are believed to hold onto negative energy. Burying old TVs, computers, or refrigerators near your home can attract unwanted energy that may lead to misfortune. It's better to recycle or properly dispose of these items to ensure a clean energy field.

Unveiling the Secrets What Buried Near Your Home Can Sabotage Your Feng Shui

3. Animal Skulls and Fossils

According to Feng Shui, the remains of animals, particularly those that are no longer living, can carry a lot of negative energy. Burying animal skulls or fossils near your home is thought to invite bad luck and even disease. It's best to keep these artifacts away from the home or consider displaying them in a way that promotes positive energy.

4. sharp Objects and Pointed Stones

In Feng Shui, sharp objects and pointed stones are associated with negative energy and can bring about disharmony. If you find yourself with a collection of such items, it's wise to either give them away or find a way to neutralize their energy by burying them at a distance from your living space.

5. Toxic Substances

Any toxic or hazardous materials should be kept away from your home. Burying chemicals, paints, or other harmful substances can contaminate the ground and lead to negative energy seeping into your home. Always dispose of such items according to local regulations.

6. Forbidden Plants

Some plants are considered inauspicious in Feng Shui and should be avoided near your home. These include cacti, thorny bushes, or plants with thorns, as they are believed to bring negative energy and conflict. Opt for plants that are known to bring prosperity and harmony instead.

7. Currency and Valuables

Burying money or valuable items near your home may seem like a clever way to keep them safe, but in Feng Shui, it's thought to attract theft and financial loss. Instead, keep your treasures in a secure location within your home or consider gifting them to someone who can appreciate their value.

8. Human Hair and fingernails

In Feng Shui, hair and fingernails are considered to hold a person's energy and should be treated with respect. Burying them near your home is thought to attract negative energy and even disease. Dispose of them properly or burn them as a way to release their energy.


The principles of Feng Shui are deeply rooted in the belief that the energy around us affects our lives. By avoiding the burial of these potentially negative items near your home, you can ensure a more harmonious and auspicious living environment. Remember, the key to good Feng Shui is balance and respect for the natural world around us. Keep your surroundings pure and positive, and let the flow of Qi bring you happiness and prosperity!

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